The Magic of Abruzzo Blog
"We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us." Anonymous
Last year in June, Domenico’s cousin brought over a huge bag of zolle or garlic scapes (as they are called in English) and gave them to me. My first question was,“what are these and what do I do with them?” Zolle or garlic scapes come from the garlic plant and, in our case, from the famous Sulmona Red Garlic plant. It is the first tender stem and flower bud of the garlic. It grows straight up and then starts to curl as it grows longer. These little treasures are not harvested until late spring or early summer, the bulb isn‘t dug up until later in the summer. If the scapes aren’t cut off, the plant uses all its energy to grow the stem and flower leaving nothing for the bulb. So we cut off the scape so that the garlic bulb can grow big and strong. It kind of looks like a green bean. It reminds me of the curling tendrils of the grape plant. So what do we do with the scapes and what do they taste like? I’ve heard that zolle can be used in a ton of recipes as you would garlic cloves or scallions. They can be sautéed, pureed, roasted, and pickled. What we like to do is pickle them. This is the recipe was given to me at the time of receiving this lovely gift of garlic stems, and it is pretty easy to do. Most of the time, the tips of the scapes will have a little bulb on it. Snip off the tips and the bulb, and cut them to the size of your jar. In a large pot, use 1.5 liters of vinegar and 2 liters of water with a handful of kosher salt. Boil for 20 minutes and then put them on a cloth to cool. Fill your jars and add oil and, presto you’re done! Garlic scapes taste like a blend of onion, scallion and garlic. However, scapes are usually less fiery and have a fresher, “greener” taste than the actual garlic bulbs. The texture is similar to that of asparagus. Click hI’ve googled garlic scapes to see what others suggest for recipes or things to do with them and found a great site. I am going to try the scape soup! Check it out to see what else you can do besides pickle them:
Happily, we are OPEN and hope that you will come visit us at La Rocca Mia House B&B on your next trip to Italy. Get away from the crowded cities and come out to the countryside where you too can jar garlic scapes with us. Email or call: [email protected] or +39 3888 272982 Click here for our how to jar garlic scapes video! Comments are closed.
About the authorThis blog is curated by Margaret Gigliotti, B&B owner, teacher, explorer, wine drinker and creative writer. Looking for ideas of places to visit in Abruzzo. Download our free guide of the best places most people miss.
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